As the newest staff member I understand that my opinion probably doesn't hold as much weight as a staffer with significantly more experience, however here are my two cents:
1.) This is the wrong place to discuss this, as this is a sign up thread and should really only be used for that. therefore I ask someone with more experience with the board to move this post and the previous to either the staff board or the suggestions board.
2.) I agree it seems as though Orgoth does lack experience of a high level character so there is a risk.
3.) However, simply handing you over the CC spot because you had it, lost it and now found the current candidate too inexperienced would be a blatant abuse of staff power on our part. Orgoth is a member and plain and simple he beat you to the punch, and thus he deserves respect and consideration in this decision.
4.) So I suggest you two talk it out and come to an agreement and bring it to staff.
And if that doesn't work see option 5
5.) If that doesn't work I offer a compromise which should only be instituted if both of you and another staffer agree to it and that is you settle this like gentleman. Either A the two of you fight at equal tier with your characters winner takes all, or B you each in character apply for the position in a thread presenting your shinigami resume and reasons you want to be commander to the central 46 or equivalent if they're dead (Remaining staff and Rena), the format of the resume is something I would take care of if no one else wants to. Please note that if you agree either of these choices it's case closed matter no complaints
6.) Captains vote everyone with a captain character votes and thats the end of it (just another option)
Stay Classy San Diego