Standing on top of the the empire state building at night all the sounds of the disgruntled people yelling and all the horns hoking of the cars of people trying to get home from work to be with their families for dinner. The lights all blending together to make an intoxicating sight of wonder. The sun is starting to go down the middle of summer it is the perfect temperature not to hot and not to cold.
Standing 5'11" with shoulder length red hair his body is covered in minimal armor covering his chest left shoulder, up to his elbows on both arms, up to his knees on both legs and shorts covering his lower body. He has an eye patch over his left eye a bokken on his back and a bottle of perfume on his waist. Jeison stands there over looking the city holding his little black kitten death in his right hand.
"I have always wanted to see the great city of new york, and its not quite what i imagined it would be like." he says to his little companion. "Meow Meow" replies death. "I know what you mean it is so loud and the people are so obnoxious and rude to each other i cant believe they haven't killer each other yet." He says laughing and the kitten is rolling around in his hands with it little paws holding its sides. He wonder to himself how all these people can be so close but yet so far apart that they could treat each other like that. At the same time after he had died and became a shinigami Humans have become a mystery to him.